16th Workshop for umbrella foundations

Last week, the 16th workshop for umbrella foundations took place at the Université Fribourg-Pérolles (UFP). A big thank you to the institute VMI, which provided the premises. More than 20 umbrella foundations met on this occasion to discuss the topic “Umbrella foundations – Participation of the Donors”. As every year, the workshop was organised by the Limmat Foundation in collaboration with proFonds. At the beginning, François Geinoz, Executive Director of the Limmat Foundation, presented the master thesis by Alexander Berchtold from UFP about “Fondation abritée ou Fondation d’utilité publique indépendante? – Une Analyse Comparative des Coûts”. Afterwards, Isabel Probst, Director of Partnerships of the Limmat Foundation, gave an insight on her experience concerning the participation of donors, followed by the legal perspective, presented by Christoph Degen, Executive Director of proFonds. After a joint lunch, Elisabeth Hasse from the Center for Philanthropy Studies (Ceps) presented the statistics on the survey results of the Swiss umbrella foundations. The program also included a presentation by Natalie Joho, Deputy Executive Director of the ZKB Philanthropie Stiftung, who provided useful insights on the integration of charitable foundations into an umbrella foundation. The Limmat Foundation would like to thank all participants for their valuable contribution and is already looking forward to the next umbrella foundation workshop in 2026. MEHR NACHRICHTEN 16. Workshop für Dachstiftungen 16. Workshop für Dachstiftungen • 06.02.2025 Snow for Smiles Snow for Smiles • 12.12.2024 Projekt in Brasilien gewinnt Best Practice Preis Projekt in Brasilien gewinnt Best Practice Preis • 08.11.2024

Snow for Smiles

52,000 young people under 14 years, 5% of that age, live in Switzerland with a disability, including 25,000 with a severe disability. Although access to leisure activities is a fundamental right for all, many infrastructures are not accessible and opportunities for inclusive leisure activities are severely limited. This is a particular challenge for those who are unable to express themselves. The project “Snow for Smiles” aims to strengthen and extend access to ski areas in Switzerland for people with disabilities. In the winter season 2023/2024, the Limmat Foundation supported this project for the first time, allowing 1,200 beneficiaries to experience the joy of gliding on tandem or dual skis together with specially trained staff on the slopes of Switzerland.  The Foundation “Just for Smiles” works closely with specialized institutions, schools and families to identify the beneficiaries who can benefit most from its activities. Safety and professionalism are at the heart of its work. In particular, the safety of the beneficiaries is a top priority for Just for Smiles. Each ski trip is carefully planned and monitored to ensure the well-being of all participants. The success of the project is also reflected in the positive feedback of the beneficiary families, who are very grateful for their children’s wonderful experience. MEHR NACHRICHTEN Projekt in Brasilien gewinnt Best Practice Preis Projekt in Brasilien gewinnt Best Practice Preis • 08.11.2024 Finale 2024 des Esmeralda Charity Cup Finale 2024 des Esmeralda Charity Cup • 18.10.2024 Renovierung des Hauses der Mutter Teresa Schwestern in Thessaloniki Renovierung des Hauses der Mutter Teresa Schwestern in Thessaloniki • 26.09.2024

Project in Brazil wins Best Practice Prize

Since the beginning of 2024, the Limmat Foundation supports the project “Labedu” (Laboratório de Educação) in Brazil. It seeks to improve educational practices by developing methodologies, projects and products through continuous cycles of research, implementation and evaluation. The programme promotes systemic change in a wide variety context and at different scales, ensuring meaningful learning for children, inside and outside of school. Labedu stands for transformative power of public education system, championing equal opportunities for all children to reach their learning potential. This goal is reached by equipping them with the tools and knowledge to take informed decisions amidst school complicities, thereby fostering not just rote learning but meaningful understanding and action. Labedu generates evidence from small-scale pilots to large interventions, designing programs that make research- based practices teachable for educators at all levels, and create equitable as well as high-quality learning environments. This year, Labedu won the Jacobs Foundation’s Best Practice Prize which acknowledges outstanding commitment from institutions or individuals in implementing evidence-based solutions for child learning and education. The Brazilian non-governmental organization is one of the three winning teams which will receive their Best Practice Prize during an award ceremony in Zurich. Ana von Bock, Programs and Partnerships Manager, who is in charge of this project at the Limmat Foundation, visited the project in Brazil in October 2024 and delivered her congratulations: “We are all very proud of their achievement and absolutely happy to support this excellent organization which gives its best every day, to have a positive and sustainable impact on the future of children”. MEHR NACHRICHTEN Finale 2024 des Esmeralda Charity Cup Finale 2024 des Esmeralda Charity Cup • 18.10.2024 Renovierung des Hauses der Mutter Teresa Schwestern in Thessaloniki Renovierung des Hauses der Mutter Teresa Schwestern in Thessaloniki • 26.09.2024 Sicherung der Gesundheitsversorgung für Menschen ohne finanzielle Mittel Sicherung der Gesundheitsversorgung für Menschen ohne finanzielle Mittel • 26.08.2024

Finale 2024 of the Esmeralda Charity Cup

The final of the 29th season of the Esmeraldas Charity Cup was played in September 2024 in dry weather at golf club Wylihof. The best gross score was achieved by the team Ian Ehrat (Hcp 3.5) and Michel Piunti (Hcp 10.9), scoring 34 gross points. A prize was also awarded to the best women’s team which were Marianne Blommers and Marie-Luce Greenaway. The best net score 2024 reached Roberto Botta (Hcp 11.1) and Stefano Botta (Hcp 23.5). The team traveled all the way from Ticino to Solothurn to compete in the final and experience golf club Wylihof, known as a particularly challenging course. “We decided to play the 18 holes the day before the competition, which proved to be very useful,” they explained. Both believe that sports in general, and golf in particular, contribute to a strong bond between father and son. As the winning team of the tournament, Roberto and Stefano Botta will travel to Colombia in spring 2025 as ambassadors of the Limmat Foundation. They will visit the education and school projects for street children, financed with the proceeds from the tournament series. Roberto Botta expressed his pride in being both an ambassador for the Limmat Foundation and a representative of the main sponsor of the Esmeralda Charity Cup, Bank J. Safra Sarasin. For him, the charity tournaments are an excellent example of the positive collaboration between charity and finance. “In the past, I have emphasized the importance of sharing common values. This is especially true when it comes to the role of education and promoting self-responsibility.” MEHR NACHRICHTEN Finale 2024 des Esmeralda Charity Cup Finale 2024 des Esmeralda Charity Cup • 18.10.2024 Renovierung des Hauses der Mutter Teresa Schwestern in Thessaloniki Renovierung des Hauses der Mutter Teresa Schwestern in Thessaloniki • 26.09.2024 Sicherung der Gesundheitsversorgung für Menschen ohne finanzielle Mittel Sicherung der Gesundheitsversorgung für Menschen ohne finanzielle Mittel • 26.08.2024

Renovation of the house of Mother Teresa Sisters in Thessaloniki

19 years ago, it was possible to build a house for the Sisters of Mother Teresa in Thessaloniki (Greece) thanks to a generous donor from the Limmat Foundation. The house can accommodate up to ten sisters and consists of a kitchen as well as a dining room. There are also rooms for women persecuted and homeless. It currently provides accommodation for up to eight women and girls in emergency situations for maximum three months. Afterwards, a solution is sought with the social authorities. This year, the Limmat Foundation financed renovations and a representative visited the home on site. On a daily basis, the seven sisters currently living there cook for those in need. Neighbours and companies deliver basic food for free every day, which the sisters use to cook for the people in need. Anyone who is hungry and has no other option is invited to eat. On the day of the visit by an employee of the Limmat Foundation, the nuns had cooked for 53 people. Their humility and joy in supporting the people in need is exemplary. The Limmat Foundation is delighted to see how the project has been bearing fruit for 19 years and helping many women in need. Best wishes to the sisters and many more fulfilling moments! MEHR NACHRICHTEN Renovierung des Hausen der Mutter Teresa Schwestern in Thessaloniki Renovierung des Hausen der Mutter Teresa Schwestern in Thessaloniki • 26.09.2024 Sicherung der Gesundheitsversorgung für Menschen ohne finanzielle Mittel Sicherung der Gesundheitsversorgung für Menschen ohne finanzielle Mittel • 26.08.2024 Unternehmen widmet seine Jubiläumsspende der Limmat Stiftung Unternehmen widmet seine Jubiläumsspende der Limmat Stiftung • 01.07.2024

How to assure health care for people without financial means

One of the Limmat Foundations supported projects in Africa is the Hospital Monkole in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Currently, the Limmat Foundation invests CHF 74,000 from the total costs of CHF 157,000 to support the establishment of a hemodialysis facility with four dialysers and a strong nephrology team in the Hospital of Monkole. The aim is to ensure continuity of patient care under the best possible conditions at affordable prices. In recent years, Monkole’s statistics show a sharp increase in cases of renal disease: acute or chronic end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Patients are transferred to other hemodialysis units, which are more expensive and can only cover 10% of the current hemodialysis needs. The hospital’s concept assures that inhabitants without financial means can benefit from the service. The cost of examinations is covered through the contributions of the more affluent patients who pay for their services, for example, through insurance, thus helping to pay for the treatments of the impoverished population. Many disadvantaged people have received medical treatment in this way. The Limmat Foundation looks forward to seeing the Hospital and its staff grow so that many people in need can get high-quality health care. MEHR NACHRICHTEN Unternehmen widmet seine Jubiläumsspende der Limmat Stiftung Unternehmen widmet seine Jubiläumsspende der Limmat Stiftung • 01.07.2024 Jahresbericht 2023 Jahresbericht 2023 • 13.06.2024 Gewinner des Benefiz-Golfturniers reisen nach Kolumbien Gewinner des Benefiz-Golfturniers reisen nach Kolumbien • 02.05.2024

Company dedicates its anniversary donation to the Limmat Foundation

The Limmat Foundation is thrilled to announce that the organisation has been selected by the BBR Network for a charity donation in context of their 80th anniversary. BBR VT International is a renowned Swiss specialized engineering company with a strong presence in more than 50 countries. Their jubilee was recently celebrated in Zurich. As a token of their appreciation, BBR has invited Isabel Probst and Ana von Bock of the Limmat Foundation to their gala dinner to receive the donation. On this occasion, they gave a presentation showcasing its impactful project “SESAME” in Madagascar. The Limmat Foundation would like to express its gratitude to the BBR Network for their trust and generosity. It’s a true honor to be chosen as the recipient of their 80th anniversary charity donation. This opportunity will not only allow the Limmat Foundation to further its mission but also raise awareness about the important initiatives the organisation is supporting worldwide since more than 50 years. MEHR NACHRICHTEN Jahresbericht 2023 Jahresbericht 2023 • 13.06.2024 Gewinner des Benefiz-Golfturniers reisen nach Kolumbien Gewinner des Benefiz-Golfturniers reisen nach Kolumbien • 02.05.2024 50 Jahre seit dem ersten Projekt in Lateinamerika 50 Jahre seit dem ersten Projekt in Lateinamerika • 02.04.2024

Annual Report 2023

In 2023, the Limmat Foundation supported a total of 70 projects together with 57 local partners in 29 countries (project volume: CHF 3,808,000). The gratitude of the beneficiaries for the various educational programmes can be seen, for example, in their testimonials. Jenny is a childcare provider and participated in the project “Saberes” in Colombia. She summarized about her experience as follows: “Saberes’ training courses have helped me to improve my organizational and planning skills in particular. This was always a big challenge for me at work in the past. Through the training program, I learned that I can incorporate all the materials in my environment into the learning process. Saberes has not only provided me with strategies to use in my work with children and their families, but also in my personal life. Now I find it easier to identify the best solution to problems.” You can read more about the projects and other achievements of the umbrella foundation in the annual report. 👉 English version of the annual report 2023  👉 German version of the annual report 2023  Enjoy the reading! MEHR NACHRICHTEN Finale 2024 des Esmeralda Charity Cup Finale 2024 des Esmeralda Charity Cup • 18.10.2024 Renovierung des Hauses der Mutter Teresa Schwestern in Thessaloniki Renovierung des Hauses der Mutter Teresa Schwestern in Thessaloniki • 26.09.2024 Sicherung der Gesundheitsversorgung für Menschen ohne finanzielle Mittel Sicherung der Gesundheitsversorgung für Menschen ohne finanzielle Mittel • 26.08.2024

Winners of the charity golf tournament travel to Colombia

In spring 2024, the winners of the golf tournament Esmeralda Charity Cup (ECC) travelled to Colombia. They were accompanied by two sponsors and Juan Alarcon, the former project director of the Limmat Foundation. In Cali, the first stage of the trip, the group visited several projects for children run by the Foundation Carvajal, which have been supported by the ECC in the past years. They were also able to go to a sugar factory, which is one of the most important sources of income in the region. The second stop of the trip was in Medellín. Juan Alarcon showed the four people the Rural Innovation Centre “La Sandalia”, a training centre for young farmers. They spent a whole day there and were able to get an idea of the educational model. It is very similar to the dual training system, as it combines theory and practice. Besides, they were able to take part in one of the activities of the Iwoka program. The guests were very positively surprised by what the young people involved had to say. The last stop on the trip was in Cartagena de Indias on the Caribbean coast. They visited two projects supported by the Esmeralda Charity Cup: Aluna and Actuar por Bolívar. To finish this interesting trip, the group took part in a charity golf tournament organized by the ECC for the benefit of the project “Aluna”, which supports disabled children and youth. Mr. Mark Keller, member of the winning team, was already able to travel to Colombia as a winner of the Esmeralda Charity Cup 13 years ago and sums up the following after this new opportunity: “It was impressive to see that even after such a long time, the projects are still working and the efforts of the Limmat Foundation, Esmeralda Charity, sponsors and donors are sustainable. This is actually the most important thing for me and will remain in my positive memory for a long time to come.” If you are a golfer and would like to take part in the Esmeralda Charity Cup, you can register for the golf season 2024 on the Limmat Foundation’s website. MEHR NACHRICHTEN 50 Jahre seit dem ersten Projekt in Lateinamerika 50 Jahre seit dem ersten Projekt in Lateinamerika • 02.04.2024 Weltfrauentag Weltfrauentag • 08.03.2024 Mutter- und Kindprogramm in Armenien Mutter- und Kindprogramm in Armenien • 19.02.2024

50 years since the first project in Latin America

On the 2nd of April 2024, the Limmat Foundation celebrates its 50th anniversary since its very first project in Latin America. Together with the local partner “Promotora de Obras Sociales y de Instrucción Popular” (PROSIP), a program was developed in 1974 to introduce medical assistance in the province of Cañete in Peru. The project involved sending two doctors to the selected region to clarify the personnel and equipment requirements. Afterwards, the necessary personnel and financial resources were procured for the successful implementation of the program. Until today, the Limmat Foundation frequently supports projects in Latin American countries. One of the current projects is taken place in the province of Lambayeque in Peru, which aims to change the economic and health situation of poor smallholder farming families. If you are interested to know more about how you can help people in need with a donation or by opening a sub-foundation to finance your own philanthropic projects worldwide, don’t hesitate to contact the Limmat Foundation (limmat@limmat.org). The staff is happy to assist you. MEHR NACHRICHTEN 50 Jahre seit dem ersten Projekt in Lateinamerika 50 Jahre seit dem ersten Projekt in Lateinamerika • 02.04.2024 Weltfrauentag Weltfrauentag • 08.03.2024 Mutter- und Kindprogramm in Armenien Mutter- und Kindprogramm in Armenien • 19.02.2024