A sub-foundation is a dependent foundation that has all the characteristics of an independent foundation except for their own legal personality: own regulations, sub-foundation board, assets (balance sheet and operating account), purpose and projects. Accounting and auditing are kept separately.
Under the umbrella of the Limmat Foundation, donors can set up their sub-foundation with their own charitable purposes. They are managed according to the guidelines of the respective donor and act largely autonomously within the Foundation. The Limmat Foundation thus acts as a “foundation of foundations” and for this reason has deliberately defined its goals broadly – practically limited only by the requirement of non-profit status – in order to enable many potential donors to realize their charitable projects.
In this way, the philanthropic goals of the donors (private individuals or institutions) can be achieved efficiently.
The administrative costs of a sub-foundation are approximately half of an independent foundation. The equity of the Limmat Foundation’s project centre makes it possible to cover a significant portion of the administrative costs of the sub-foundations. With the Limmat Foundation, each sub-foundation additionally benefits from its central infrastructure, the project centre, its contacts, experience in project selection and implementation as well as the quality of its asset management.
The Limmat Foundation offers its donors professional project management.
This includes:
Since the Limmat Foundation was founded in 1972, more than 1000 projects have been implemented in more than 80 countries with the support of over 300 local partners and a total volume of more than CHF 300,000,000. The main beneficiaries are children, students and women.
When using funds for charitable purposes, it pays off to look for optimal solutions. This benefits not only the people in need but
also the donors themselves.
As an umbrella foundation, the Limmat Foundations offers donors tailor-made solutions. Based on its long and varied experience, it is happy to show interested parties the advantages and disadvantages of each solution.