Early childhood education training for cognitive disabilities

Colombia Research results as well as practical empirical data on the physical and mental development of children confirm that, especially in the first years of life, the family environment plays a central role. In order to improve the quality of life for disabled children and their families, this project provides high-quality training to educators. The program provides these professionals with valuable skills for their daily work with young children, as well as with knowledge of the legal situation and the special needs of people with disabilities. The goal is to uphold the dignity of children with cognitive disabilities. Moreover, this sophisticated pedagogical educational model targets best practices for integrating these children into family, school and social environments. The trained educators are very satisfied and grateful for the knowledge they have acquired. Their appreciation and sense of responsibility is shown by the high participation rate, as well as by the time they invest weekly outside of attending the online sessions. The participation of the beneficiaries was lively and active, which also speaks for the success of the course. Local partner: Fundación Aluna MORE PROJECTS Basic medical care for islanders Greece, Medical assistance Home for people with disabilities India, Medical assistance Medical care at Monkole Hospital Democratic Republic of the Congo, Medical assistance Job application workshop for youth with handicap Switzerland, Professional formation Education for socially disadvantaged women India, Professional formation Promotion of dual training Lebanon, Professional formation MORE PROJECTS
Medical care at Monkole Hospital

Democratic Republic of the Congo Monkole Hospital has 110 beds and eight medical departments. A total of 133,000 patients use the hospital’s services each year. Monkole’s goal is to provide dignified, high-quality health care to all segments of the population, especially the marginalized and disadvantaged. Likewise, the focus is on the professional and human development of the population to strengthen the Congolese health system. To ensure that pregnant women from poor neighborhoods can afford quality medical care and delivery, Monkole has developed the “Fortfait Maman” project. Each woman pays a fixed price of 50 Swiss francs for her treatments during pregnancy and delivery. The remaining 310 Swiss francs, which are the additional cost per person, are financed by donations, among others from the Limmat Foundation. The Limmat Foundation also supports provision of intensive care for newborns and Monkole’s orthopedic pediatric surgery. In order to provide the best possible care for newborns, the equipment was upgraded with two incubators. The orthopedic pediatric surgery unit treats young patients who, for example, need a hip prosthesis due to sickle foot. The hospital specializes in the treatment of sickle feet using the Ponseti method. In addition, the Limmat Foundation also supports the necessary short-term acquisitions of the Monkole Hospital, for example the repair of the image intensifier and the computer tomograph used to perform scans in the radiology department or the production of oxygen for the ventilation of patients infected by Covid-19. Local partner: Centre Congolais de Culture, Formation et Développement (CECFOR) / Kinshasa MORE PROJECTS Basic medical care for islanders Greece, Medical assistance Home for people with disabilities India, Medical assistance Early childhood education training for cognitive disabilities Colombia, Medical assistance Job application workshop for youth with handicap Switzerland, Professional formation Education for socially disadvantaged women India, Professional formation Promotion of dual training Lebanon, Professional formation MORE PROJECTS
Home for people with disabilities

Democratic Republic of the Congo In Poonamallee (India) there are hardly any institutions for people with disabilities. Therefore, seminarians from the Don Guanella Work began to take care of these children and to keep them busy. In the beginning, the children could only be cared for on the seminarians’ days off. In the meantime, this offer has developed into a rehabilitation centre for more than 50 children with physical or neurological disabilities. In order to expand the care offered and to adapt the premises to the needs of the participants, the Limmat Foundation supported the construction as well as the furnishing of the centre. Local partner: Opera Don Guanella MORE PROJECTS Basic medical care for islanders Greece, Medical assistance Medical care at Monkole Hospital Democratic Republic of the Congo, Medical assistance Early childhood education training for cognitive disabilities Colombia, Medical assistance Job application workshop for youth with handicap Switzerland, Professional formation Education for socially disadvantaged women India, Professional formation Promotion of dual training Lebanon, Professional formation MORE PROJECTS
Basic medical care for islanders

Greece On the island of Folegandros in Greece, the Limmat Foundation supports financially a project which provides the permanent residents of the island with a health clinic that offers free basic medical care. The well-equipped medical office is staffed by a physician and a nurse practitioner. Without this facility, local islanders would not have access to primary health care and would have to travel to another Greek island or to the mainland for treatment, which is not possible for them due to financial reasons. The clinic’s goal is to provide medical and preventive care services that at least match the average standard of clinics on the mainland and fully meet both the medical and pharmaceutical needs of the residents. This includes the dispensing of low-cost medicines. Local partner: Médecins du Monde MORE PROJECTS Home for people with disabilities India, Medical assistance Medical care at Monkole Hospital Democratic Republic of the Congo, Medical assistance Early childhood education training for cognitive disabilities Colombia, Medical assistance Job application workshop for youth with handicap Switzerland, Professional formation Education for socially disadvantaged women India, Professional formation Promotion of dual training Lebanon, Professional formation MORE PROJECTS