The Limmat Foundation consists of the Foundation Board, the Executive Board and the Sub-foundation Boards. The Foundation Board is responsible for overseeing the project centre, the management, the general tasks of the Foundation and the sub-foundations. The sub-foundation’s members are responsible for deciding on the projects to be funded. Two members of the Foundation Council must be represented in the council of each sub-foundation. In addition, the Limmat Foundation has a Patronage Committee. It consists of personalities from business, politics and sport. Through their membership, they set an example of sympathy and support for the Foundation and its work.
The Limmat Foundation consists of the Foundation Board, the Executive Board and the Sub-foundation Boards. The Foundation Board is responsible for overseeing the project centre, the management, the general tasks of the Foundation and the sub-foundations. The sub-foundation’s members are responsible for deciding on the projects to be funded. Two members of the Foundation Council must be represented in the council of each sub-foundation. In addition, the Limmat Foundation has a Patronage Committee. It consists of personalities from business, politics and sport. Through their membership, they set an example of sympathy and support for the Foundation and its work.
Toni Zweifel, initiator and managing director of the Limmat Foundation until his death at the end of 1989, belonged to Opus Dei, a prelature of the Catholic Church. The core message of Opus Dei, founded by St Josemaria Escriva, emphasizes the importance for Catholics to live their faith in work, family and everyday life, making a special effort to carry out their professional activities in a spirit of service to all fellow human beings.
The experience of the Limmat Foundation as well as many other relief organizations shows that partner organizations with solid religious convictions are particularly reliable as they are committed to ethically manage their funds and show great dedication to benefit those in need. The Limmat Foundation is independent in its review of projects and considers the will of the donors. It decides on possible support according to professional and not religious criteria. It rejects any form of discrimination that would allow even the slightest disadvantage of those in need of help. This impartial attitude is a consequence of the spiritual motives of the initiators of the foundation and the corresponding sense of justice.