Strengthening the parenting skills of refugee parents

Switzerland The traumatic experiences of fleeing in addition to the foreign environment in asylum shelters are very stressful for many children and difficult to process. This project was launched to support parents who are raising their children under such challenges. Through various educational modules on topics such as “dealing with stress and psychological strain” or “parenting skills”, parents were familiarized as fully as possible with the developmental needs of their children. Likewise, they receive information from experts who educate them on these topics. The success of the project and the gratitude for the multi-faceted training sessions is reflected in the positive feedback from participants. The parents perceive the offerings as supportive and feel that the individual exchange with the staff strengths their role as their children’s first caregiver. Thanks to the valuable information, they adjust to their everyday lives in Switzerland and into the new culture more easily. Local partner: Save the Children MORE PROJECTS Basic medical care for islanders Greece, Medical assistance Home for people with disabilities India, Medical assistance Medical care at Monkole Hospital Democratic Republic of the Congo, Medical assistance Early childhood education training for cognitive disabilities Colombia, Medical assistance Job application workshop for youth with handicap Switzerland, Professional formation Education for socially disadvantaged women India, Professional formation MORE PROJECTS

Job application workshop for youth with handicap

Switzerland With the job application workshop, the Appisberg Competence Centre supports physically and mentally handicapped young people in their professional integration into the primary labor market. The goal is to increase their chances of becoming skilled workers so that they can shape their future with financial independence. Through group and individual coaching, participants are prepared for all steps of the job application process. They receive professional help in preparing their application documents and preparing for job interviews. The focus is either on obtaining an internship during the training program at Appisberg, a contract to complete the training started there at an external company or a permanent position in the field of the training completed. Participant feedback on the application workshop program is unanimously positive. After the job application training, they feel better prepared for an interview and can better assess both their competencies and their development potential. They also find it easier to identify their strengths and weaknesses. More than 50 percent were invited to an interview after participating in the job application workshop. Almost half of them were permanently employed. Local partner: Appisberg MORE PROJECTS School education for socially disadvantaged children (Ceres) School education for socially disadvantaged children (Ceres) Madagascar, School education Scholarships for children from low-income families Scholarships for children from low-income families Peru, Argentina, El Salvador, Guatemala, School education Integration of former child soldiers into society Integration of former child soldiers into society Colombia, School education Saberes Saberes Colombia, School education Higher education for socially disadvantaged youth (Sesame) Higher education for socially disadvantaged youth (Sesame) Madagascar, School education Micro Enterprise Development for Women Micro Enterprise Development for Women Philippines, School education MORE PROJECTS